Cat Sour Stomach Home Remedy

A sour stomach is one of the most common cat ailments. While causes and treatments are many, home remedies are a gentle, cost-effective way to begin treatment.

  1. Symptoms

    • Cats with sour stomachs often vomit or regurgitate food, although some simply gurgle. A sudden loss of appetite is another good indication of sour stomach. If the condition persists, it often results in weight loss and sluggishness.


    • While a sour stomach can result from complications of more serious ailments, a healthy cat can develop the condition as the direct result of several different causes. Changes in diet, excessive consumption of plants and the ingestion of non-food items are all likely culprits. Remember that vomiting is a purging activity and in the case of accidental poisoning, may be helpful.


    • At the first sign of a sour stomach, remove the feline's food dishes. Not eating will give the cat's stomach a chance to recuperate. Encourage your cat to drink water by refreshing her water bowl every hour. An easily digestible bland meal of cooked rice and chicken can be offered several hours later.

      Some herbs are known to calm the stomach, but should only be administered in small amounts. These include Glycyrrhiza glabra (licorice), Ulmus fulva (slippery elm), and Althaea officinalis (marshmallow). It is believed these herbs act as tonics, soothing the esophagus, stomach lining and digestive track. Some sources suggest a small amount of grass is helpful, although too much can lead to vomiting. While some cats respond to antacids, others do not. The feline dose is small, somewhere around 10 milligrams, and is best prescribed by a veterinarian as it can lead to other complications.


    • Always research new plants before bringing them home. Cats are sensitive to a variety of common house plants. Introduce new food into a cat's diet slow so as to gauge its effects. One approach is to mix a little bit in with their normal diet. When decorating for the holidays, avoid tinsel, string and other easily swallowed materials. While some felines are more susceptible to sour stomachs, in most cases the frequency and intensity can be diminished.


    • A sour stomach can indicate many other conditions, many of which are life-threatening to your cat. If home remedies do not yield results or symptoms worsen, consult a veterinarian as soon as possible.