Tapeworms are parasitic worms that can live in a cat's intestines. If left untreated, they can cause long-term health problems for your cat. It is possible to prevent tapeworms from infecting your cats, and your veterinarian can treat your cat to remove the parasites.
Your cat can become infected with a tapeworm by eating fleas that have eaten tapeworm eggs. This type of tapeworm is known as Dipylidium caninum.
A cat can also become infected with a tapeworm by ingesting a small rodents like mice or rats, and that kind of a tapeworm is called Taenia taeniaeformis.
A tapeworm can affect you and others living in your residence. A tapeworm can infect humans, but the symptoms and health risks are different than those cats experience.
Over-the-counter solutions designed to deal with fleas can help to prevent tapeworms. Take your cat to the vet if you suspect it has tapeworms. There are several possible treatments the vet can give your cat.
Unlike other types of worms, tapeworms can be seen. Taking a look at your cat's feces can quickly reveal the existence of tapeworms, which often appear as small, white objects that look like grains of rice.