Feline Pneumonia Symptoms

Feline pneumonia is considered a high-risk respiratory disorder and should be treated by a veterinarian immediately. Though the symptoms may seem mild at first, as the disease progresses they grow more life-threatening to your cat and can eventually cause death if untreated.

  1. Loss of Appetite

    • A common symptom for all cats with feline pneumonia is a loss of appetite, often referred to as feline anorexia. The longer your cat goes untreated, the more at risk it is for dying from complications of anorexia. It is important for your cat to get enough nutrients every day to ward off other diseases and ailments. You may also notice that your cat refuses to drink water, which could lead to dehydration and death.


    • A fever is another common symptom and is fairly easy to diagnose. Symptoms of feline fever include lethargy, or no desire to move and play; irritability; pain or tenderness when held or touched; and shivering (from chills). Cats with fevers also tend to hide in small, safe, dark places.

    Labored Breathing

    • Cats suffering from feline pneumonia often show signs of labored breathing. For example, your cat may breathe in heavily or take in quick, short, rapid breaths. Cats may also display coughing, sneezing and wheezing.

    Watery Eyes

    • Watery eyes are often caused by conjunctivitis, a byproduct of feline pneumonia. Conjunctivitis is an infection or inflammation of the conjunctiva, the thin membrane that lines a cat's eyelid. It causes watery eyes, swelling, discharge and redness of the eye. Cats may experience conjunctivitis in one or both of their eyes if they have feline pneumonia.

    Runny Nose

    • Sniffling is a sure sign that a cat is suffering from a respiratory disease. A runny nose may be paired with sneezing and breathing ailments. If your cat has a runny nose in addition to these other symptoms, it is possible that it's suffering from feline pneumonia.