How to Live Well with a Cat

If you have a pet cat, you know that there are certain things you must do to take care of it and have a good relationship with it. You also know that cats are more easily contented than dogs, but you must still give your cat TLC. For those who are new to cat ownership, here are tips to help you live well with a cat.


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      Make sure you take your cat to the vet regularly for shots and check ups. You want to make sure your cat is healthy without any diseases and is a good weight for it's size. Furthermore, the vet can tell you if anything is ailing your cat that you might not know about on your own.

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      Make sure your cat has a clean litter box to potty in. This is probably the most difficult task, but one of the most important. You must clean the litter box at least every other day to ensure the cleanliness of your cat. You can use gloves, a scooper and a face mask if it helps you to get it done. There are also litter box deodorizers that help tremendously with any odors. Also, you should completely change the litter out once a week. Not only does this maintain a healthier environment for your pet to use, but also a healthier environment for your home.

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      Make sure your cat has the right food to stay at optimum health, has enough food daily -- you should feed your cat two to three times a day depending on the size of it's bowl -- and always have access to fresh, clean water. Your cat will show you appreciation for this and it's the least you should do.

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      Brush your cat daily to help get rid of excess fur and any hairball issues. You can also give your cat a hairball medication or there is cat food that includes kinds that offer hairball control.

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      If you can, let your cat go outside for some fresh air, too. If you have an enclosed yard, this would be ideal, just make sure it can't jump the fence. Cats need fresh air just like you do.

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      Pet your cat everyday. They love to be pet and scratched so do so, just be careful of areas they don't like to be pet and respect that.