Cat Paw Diseases

At some point, cat owners are likely to see some kind of irritation or pain in their pet's feet. Usually, inflammation in a cat's paw is caused by something benign like an infection or an injury. But sometimes, irritated, sore, or bleeding paws are an indication of a more serious illness. If a cat is having discomfort with its feet for longer than one to two days, take it to the vet for diagnosis and treatment.

  1. Infections and Disorders

    • Non-trauma related bacterial infections to a cat's paw or claw can be caused by underlying medical conditions that can include autoimmune disorders, allergies, cushings, hypothyroidism,and neoplasm, and may result in swelling or pain in the toes or broken, oozing claws. Paw and claw infections can also be fungal, caused by dermatophytes such as ringworm. Medical diagnosis of bacterial and fungal infection can involve ruling out underlying conditions, considering health history and clinical findings, as well as culture or x-ray.

    Causes and Symptoms

    • If your cat has a paw injury or disease, he may lick or chew the irritated paw to the point of causing bleeding. Seek medical attention if you notice your pet limping or favoring one of his paws, particularly if you notice, upon examination, that the pads of his paw are swollen and pink, bloody, or wet from excessive licking. Lesions, bumps, or pustules are also cause for concern. Cats are active and curious animals, and even indoor cats are likely to injure their feet while playing and exploring. Fights with other animals, insect bites and stings, or any open wound or embedded object to a cat's foot is prone to infection, particularly if the cat uses a litter box. Allergic reactions to bee stings and mosquito bites can also result in infection. Partner with your pet's vet to keep paw wounds clean or to treat with antibiotics or antihistamines, if prescribed.


    • Pemphigus is an immune system disorder that is common in cats. Cats with this disease get bumps on their feet and faces. The bumps turn into pustules, then become scabs. Paws pads can also thicken and split. The only way to diagnose pemphigus is with a skin biopsy. This disease is often confused with feline lupus, so it is important to have the biopsy examined by an experienced pathologist. Pemphigus is treated with immune system suppressants like corticosteroids, and the owner may have to soak and clean the feet until the sores heal.

    Pillow Foot

    • The medical name for Pillow Foot is plasma cell pododermatitis. This disease is characterized by pink or purplish pads, severe swelling, and the pad feels very soft when pressed. Pillow Foot usually affects more than one foot. Often, the cat won't seem particularly bothered by this condition, and sometimes it can only be found with a biopsy or blood test. The causes of this condition are not well understood, but it can be treated successfully with steroids and or antibiotics.

    Eosinophilic Granuloma

    • With symptoms similar to Pillow Foot, eosinophilic granuloma usually only affects one foot and is generally caused by allergies. The allergen can be airborne, environmental, or from food. If the cat's body has an extreme reaction to the allergy, its immune system attacks the collagen in its foot, causing the swelling. Eosinophilic granuloma can be treated with steroids, antibiotics, or anti-inflammatories, and the vet will also do tests to find the source of the allergy.