How to Care for Your Cat After a Surgery

Unfortunately, cats need to undergo surgery from time to time, like the rest of us. This is extremely difficult for them, as cats like privacy and routine. But if your cat has had a recent surgical procedure - large or small - the way you care for him can make all the difference in his recovery time.

Things You'll Need

  • quiet room
  • separate food dish


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      Your Veterinarian should have given you a sheet with after-care instructions. Follow the information to the letter, especially if it involves changing dressing or administering medications.

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      Make sure to provide your cat with a quiet, relaxing place to recuperate after surgery. The bedroom is ideal, but it should be wherever he can sleep uninterrupted. Sunlight and fresh air are additional benefits. Keep the door to the room closed so nobody (human or animal) barges in.

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      If you have other animals, keep them separate from your recovering cat. After surgery, his stitches can pop open if there is too much activity. Other animals often feel hostile towards a cat after he's returned from the vet because he smells strange. This segregation should last 1 to 2 weeks.

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      Check on your recuperating cat throughout the day. Give him a gentle pat and speak to him in a soothing voice. Encourage him to bathe himself but make sure he's not biting his stitches. If he's biting his incision, he'll need to wear an Elizabethan collar, which your vet can provide.

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      Make sure your recuperating cat has access to his usual food, a bowl of water, and a very clean litter box. Make sure he's eating and using his litter box on a regular basis. Keep these items separate from any other cats' food dishes and litter boxes until your cat is fully recovered.