Sick Cat Symptoms

Pets are subject to many of the same illness that affect humans. The symptoms of sickness are sometimes very apparent, but at other times they are not. It helps to know your cat's normal behavior so that you can more easily detect when something is amiss. There are certain common symptoms among both humans and pets that usually indicate the presence of illness. Prompt treatment depends on being able to recognize the symptoms of illness.

  1. Behavior

    • As a cat owner, you become familiar with your cat's normal behavior. Alterations in normal behavior, such as lethargy in a normally active cat or aggression in an otherwise docile feline, can often indicate illness or injury.

    Changes in Appetite

    • A sudden loss of appetite often indicates an illness. An increase in appetite may also be the result of an underlying illness.

    Thirst and Urination

    • Increased thirst and urine output can signal illness such as diabetes or other underlying conditions. A decrease or refusal to drink as well as little urine output is also a sign of illness.

    Diarrhea or Constipation

    • Diarrhea, constipation or straining to urinate or defecate can indicate a health problem that needs treatment. Vomiting or other digestive distress can also be signs of sickness.


    • Discharge from the eyes and/or nose, sneezing and difficulty breathing could indicate a respiratory infection, which needs proper diagnosis and treatment by a qualified veterinarian.

    Skin and Coat

    • A cat's skin and coat can sometimes be an indication of poor health or an underlying illness. If skin is dry, flaky and irritated, and/or the coat is dull, dry and lackluster, it may signify illness. Hair loss can be a sign of poor nutrition, allergy, fungal infection and other disorders.