How to Get Rid of Fleas on Kittens Under 12 Weeks

Flea infestations can be especially dangerous for kittens. Due to their small size, they can quickly become anemic, simply from numerous fleas draining their blood. Therefore, it is critical for your kittens' health to get rid of the fleas.
Unfortunately, most flea products are not safe to use on kittens until they are at least eight weeks old. There is, however, medication available for kittens as young as four weeks old, as long as the kittens also weigh at least two pounds.


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      Weigh all the kittens to make sure they are at least two pounds. If a kitten is under this weight, do not give him flea medicine.

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      Mix correct dosage (read the label as dosage may change), per kitten, of Capstar tablet with a small amount of wet kitten food. According to the Urban Cat League, the tablets can be crushed to make it easier to hide the medicine in the food.

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      Feed each kitten its serving of the medicated food individually. Make sure each eats the entire serving.

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      Wash cat bedding and/or vacuum the kitten's play areas and sleep areas. This helps get rid of remaining flea larvae and eggs.

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      Check the kittens for fleas again, in three to seven days, by gently running a flea comb through their fur. Re-medicate kittens again with Capstar in a few days, if necessary.