Cat Fever Symptoms

Feline fever can be identified by looking for particular symptoms, as well as taking the cat's temperature. A cat's normal temperature is between 100 and 102.5 degrees F. However, elevated temperature is not the only indication of a fever.

  1. Temperature

    • A temperature above 103 degrees F is considered a feline fever.

    Lethargy and Listlessness

    • The cat may show lethargy or be listless. It will be sluggish, lazy or drowsy.

    Loss of Appetite

    • If the cat is eating less than normal, this is a sign of illness.

    Rapid Respiratory Rate

    • An elevated respiration rate is also an indication of a fever. A normal cat's respiration rate is between 16 and 40 beats per minute. Anything above this indicates a health issue.


    • Another symptom that may present itself in a feverish cat is shivering.


    • Pain while being touched can be a symptom of a fever in cats. If the cat seems to be reluctant to be petted or handled, it may be suffering from a fever.