Animals can become constipated just like humans. If you have a cat, you may not be sure how to tell if the cat is constipated or not. You must look for the symptoms and then do what you can to help the cat get over the bout of constipation.
Pay attention to your cat's litter box. You will want to change it so that you can keep an eye on whether the cat is having bowel movements. Your cat should have one to two bowel movements each day. At the end of the day clean the cat box again and see how many times your cat went.
Watch to see if your cat frequents his or her litter box more often. The cat may be trying to go, but when nothing comes out the cat leaves only to return shortly to try again. Your cat may even moan while in the litter box trying to get its stool to pass.
Check the stools that the cat does get out. If they are hard or contain any blood in them, your cat is constipated.
Look to see if your cat is eating or drinking less. A constipated cat often has an upset stomach from all of the extra feces and won't eat much.
Observe your cat to see if he or she isn't playing as usual. A cat with constipation will act tired and less happy. He or she won't be in the mood to play like they usually do.
Notice if your cat is looking at or licking its anus frequently. This is another sign that your cat is constipated.
Take your cat to the vet if you spot any of the above signs of constipation. Only your vet can tell you the cause of the constipation and whether there is some kind of blockage. The vet can remove the blockage and administer fluids to bring the cat back to a normal balance. Your vet may also prescribe a stool softener or enema that you can use at home.