Indigestion in Cats

Feeding cats diets high in plant matter can lead to indigestion. The cat's digestive system is only designed to process meats because cats are carnivorous by nature. Cats do benefit from eating plant matter, however they do not digest vegetation as they do meats. Adjusting the cat's diet to be more carnivorous may prevent future bouts of indigestion.

  1. Significance

    • Remove the food and drink from the cat to allow her body to process the food in her stomach.


    • Feed her a cat indigestion formula, such as milk of magnesia, according to the instructions on the label.


    • Balance your cat's diet to have less starch, more meat and a little bit of vegetables. This will aid your cat's digestion.


    • Complement your cat's diet with fresh drinking water everyday. Your cat's digestion should return to normal.

    Fun Fact

    • Raw fruits, vegetables and raw meats combined with cooked meats can cause cat indigestion. Too much meat fat can cause indigestion, as well.