How to Give Medicine to a Cat Orally

Giving medicine to a cat can be a challenging task. If you don't employ certain techniques, you may encounter squirming and biting. The key is to know the proper method -- and do it quickly.


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      To administer a pill to your cat, place it between your pointer finger and thumb on your non-dominant hand. Place the thumb of your other hand on the cat's cheek and pointer finger on the other cheek. Gently press in near the corners of the mouth and your cat should open its mouth. If this method is not successful, place your middle finger on the cat's lower jaw and push down. Once open, place the pill quickly at the back of the tongue and close its mouth. Do not release your hold as it will try to dislodge the pill. If your cat does not swallow, blow gently into its nose.

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      Use a pill pusher to administer medication. Open your cat's mouth, place the pusher inside and press the plunger until the pill is dislodged onto the back of the cat's tongue. Allow the cat to close its mouth and swallow.

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      Smash a pill using a pill cruncher and add the powder to a small amount of wet food.

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      Give a gel type of medicine by mixing it with a small amount of wet food or by wiping it on the cat's paw, which the cat will then begin to clean off by licking.

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      Administer liquid medicine with a dropper. Open your cat's mouth and place the dropper between the cat's teeth and cheek. Slowly dispense medicine so that the cat can swallow without choking. Make sure that you do not hold the cat's head too high, as this can cause the medicine to get into its windpipe and cause the cat to choke.