Taking Care of Cats and Kittens

Taking care of cats and kittens can be a valuable learning experience for the family. The youngest child can learn the value of taking care of another living being. But everyone must understand their particular responsibility in the care of the new pet.

Things You'll Need

  • Box for nest
  • Blankets
  • Toys
  • Litter box
  • Kitty litter
  • Food and water dish
  • Food
  • Water


  1. Kittens

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      Leave the kittens with their mother. She knows how to take care of them. Try to make mother and kittens as comfortable as possible. Give her a box and blankets to make a warm nest.

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      Play with the kittens. This will get them used to your scent and will help them socialize better. Do not constantly pick up the kittens. It is not good for them to be handled too much at this young age.

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      Kittens will start to explore their surroundings and can get into mischief if not carefully monitored. This will also be a good time to name the kittens. You will get to know each of them as a separate being, and they are ready to get used to hearing their names.

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      Start the kittens on solid food at about 4 weeks of age. Their mother will help them learn how to do this. Keep their food and water fresh. Never give a kitten cow's milk. They are not able to digest this.

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      Get a little box. Again, the mother can help the kittens learn how to use the litter box. It is important that you do not use the clumping type of kitty litter for kittens. They may eat it, causing serious digestive problems. Clean out the litter box daily.

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      Take them to the vet. They will need their shots and to be spayed or neutered. They will need regular vet visits throughout the rest of their lives.