How to Give a Cat CPR

It's your worst nightmare. Your beloved cat has stopped breathing and you don't know what to do. You have to take action fast and the one thing that may save is life is CPR. By following the steps below you could give your cat a fighting chance.


    • 1

      Check to see if your cat is still breathing. First, put your hand in front of the cat's nose to feel for any air coming out. Next, look at the cat's chest for any movement. Then place your hand on the left side of the cat's chest to feel for a pulse. If no pulse is found or any visible sign of breathing, then go to the next step.

    • 2

      Check the airway, throat and mouth, to make sure they are clear of foreign objects. Lay your cat on his side and gently extend his neck, be careful not to extend too much. Pull his tongue out and carefully remove any objects or vomit with your fingers. If your cat is still not breathing, then go to the next step.

    • 3

      Close your cat's mouth and cup your hand around his mouth and nose to block any air escaping from his mouth that you breathe in. Place your mouth over your cat's nose and breathe in four to five breaths or until you see his chest expanding. Stop to check for signs that your cat is breathing on his own. Keep this up until your cat is breathing on his own. If your cat has no heartbeat, go to the next step.

    • 4

      Perform chest compressions on your cat. Make sure he is lying on a hard surface. Place your thumb and fingers on your cat's sternum--which is located at the point where your cat's elbows meet his chest. Compress his chest five times and check for a heartbeat every minute. Continue until you get a heartbeat.