How to Prevent Bladder Stones in Cats

Bladder stones and urinary tract infections can be a painful experience for your cat. Some bladder stones require surgical removal, while others may be slowly dissolved through a special diet. While not all bladder stones can be prevented, there are steps you can take to ensure that your cat is protected against them as well as possible.

Things You'll Need

  • Litter scoop
  • Water dish
  • Water fountain (optional)
  • Urinary health cat food


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      Provide food that assists in creating more acidic urine. You can get special prescription cat food from your vet, or you can purchase regular cat food that notes that it is formulated to improve urinary health.

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      Offer clean, fresh water at all times. You may consider getting a cat water fountain that circulates the water constantly, helping to keep it fresh. Some cats find this bothersome, though, so you'll have to see how your cat reacts to it. Even without a cat fountain you can maintain clean water by emptying out the water and cleaning the bowl thoroughly at least once daily.

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      Keep the litter box(es) clean. Some cats will avoid using a dirty litter box, and hold it in instead, which can cause infections and potentially stones. You can encourage your cat to use the litter box by cleaning it everyday.