How to Make a Dying Cat Comfortable

It is inevitable that all cats will eventually get old and need some care during their last days. You will want to give you cat as much love and attention as it needs. It may also be experiencing some discomfort and it will be the families job to see that the cat's last days are made as easy as possible. There are a few things you can do to make your cat comfortable during it's last days.

Things You'll Need

  • Veterinarian
  • Pain medications
  • Medicine dropper
  • Water
  • Food
  • Euthanasia room


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      Seek a vet's advice. Be sure that there is nothing that can be done to heal your cat. Your Vet will also be able to give you some advice about what circumstances may arise and whether you will want to consider euthanizing your cat at some point.

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      Give your cat pain medications. You would get the pain medications from the Vet when you get your diagnosis. These meds may work for a while and keep your cat comfortable. It at any time the pain medications seem to stop working, you should consider putting your cat down. This is a painful experience, but you must understand that making your cat suffer isn't fair. Take some time to say your goodbyes to your cat and go over your favorite memories with your family.

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      Use a medicine dropper to keep your cat hydrated during his or her last days. This will keep your cat from experiencing further complications. Water is also refreshing.

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      Add water to your cat's food. This will make the food soft enough for your cat to eat. This is a great way to get a cat to eat their food, which gives them more energy. The older the cat gets, the harder it is for the cat to crunch it's dry food. Dry food is much better for cats and causes less regurgitation. So soaking your cat's dry food is the best and most healthy option.

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      Get rid of any excess noise in the house. Try to be quiet around the cat and not startle it. Make sure all the kids in the family understand it is a special time for the cat and that they need to do their part. That part is to walk quietly and not argue around the house. They should try to spend some time with the cat comforting the cat by petting it and showing it love.

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      Lay out a soft blanket or some warm towels. You can warm up the towels or blanket by placing them in the dryer for about 10 minutes. Make a little bed out of the blanket and carefully lay your cat on it. You can reheat the blankets as needed. Just make sure you place the little bed in an area of the house that is not heavily traveled.

    • 7

      Euthanize your cat. This could be done at home or in the Vet's office. They have special rooms for you to say goodbye to your cat. This option should only be used if your cat is suffering and there are no other ways you can comfort it. Prepare yourself for this moment when you learn that your cat is terminally ill.