Although constipation is most commonly a problem that plagues older cats, it can be found in younger cats and kittens as well. The easiest way to diagnose your kitten with constipation is to make sure you clean the litter box several times a day. If you notice a significant decline in the amount of fecal matter in your litter box ,it is safe to say that your kitten is probably constipated. Prolonged bouts of constipation can take a toll on your kitten's health and in some cases the constipation can be fatal.
Provide your kitten with free choice water. The leading cause of feline constipation is dehydration. The best way to find out if your constipated kitten is dehydrated is to pinch a small section of skin on the back or sides of your kitten's neck. The skin should be flat within three seconds of you releasing your hold. If the skin stays puckered, your kitten is dehydrated.
Check your cat's water. The water you provide your cat should be clean and fresh. Make sure you empty your cat's water dish and refill it every single day.
Switch to moist food. The water in canned cat food can help keep your kitten hydrated and relieve her constipation.
Try mixing a tablespoon of canned pumpkin into your kitten's food. The pumpkin acts as a stool softener and should help clear up your kitten's constipation in less then 24 hours. The problem with using pumpkin as a laxative is that some kittens won't touch their food with the pumpkin mixed in. Don't force your cat to eat it. Make sure that the can of pumpkin you are using is pureed pumpkin, not pumpkin pie filling.
Consult your veterinarian. Prolonged constipation can wreck havoc on your kitten's mental and physical health. If the constipation goes on for more then 24 hours, you need to take your kitten to the veterinarian. Don't expect your vet to simply prescribe a laxative. He will perform a complete health exam so that he can determine the cause of your kitten's constipation.
Talk to your veterinarian about adding fiber to your kitten's diet. Sometimes adding a little fiber to your cat's diet is all that is needed to clear up her constipation. You will need to get the exact dosage from your veterinarian.