How to Care for a Cat With Diarrhea

A cat with diarrhea needs some tender, loving care as well as a way to stop the runs. Not only is diarrhea messy, it can make your pet feel weak and uncomfortable. There is always the risk of dehydration when diarrhea is present. Diarrhea usually runs its course and clears up on its own. Here are a few ways to care for a cat with diarrhea.


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      Place an extra litter box or two around the house in case your cat can't make it to the usual one. You can make things easier on you and your cat if you give her extra potty space.

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      Stop filling the food bowl. Fast your pet for the first day. As long as you keep feeding her, the food will keep coming out the other end. Give her digestive system a rest. Your cat's belly needs a break so avoid feeding her for 24 hours.

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      Give your cat plenty of water. Dehydration can result from diarrhea so keep the water bowl full. Your cat should always have access to fresh water.

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      Soothe her stomach with love and attention. Tender, loving care makes you feel better when you're not feeling well and it can do the same for your pet. Stroke her fur and let her know you care. Give her some extra attention to make her feel better.

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      Re-introduce food slowly. Once the diarrhea begins to subside you can start your pet on a bland diet. Feed her bits of boiled chicken or plain rice. Re-introduce her regular food slowly over the next few days.

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      Keep your cat comfortable and the environment as stress-free as possible. If your cat is stressed out for any reason it can make the diarrhea worse. Keep your cat in a safe, quiet area where she will not be disturbed by other pets or children. Cats are not always the most social animals and may become stressed by the presence of children or other animals. Give her some privacy to calm her stomach.