Like any other living thing, cats occasionally get injured. Outdoor cats are more susceptible to injuries than cats that are kept indoors. Statistics show that many cats become seriously injured or even die from car accidents every year. If your cat has a minor or serious injury such as a broken bone follow these steps to treat your cat before arriving at vet or animal hospital.
Check your cat for flea infestation. If your cat has many flea bites he can become anemic. Start using flea products immediately. An infestation in your cat is extremely dangerous. This is more serious in younger cats so use a vet recommended flea treatment on cats to stop the fleas from biting.
Watch for pale or white gums as a sign of severe anemia or shock. The cat's gums turn white when their paxel bynum or red cell count gets low. If this happens, take your cat to your veterinarian. The vet may order some blood transfusions in order to save it.
Note that if your cat gets in a car accident in many cases it will break its jaw or other bones in the face. If your cat fractures the long bones, it is best to wrap your cat tightly in a towel and bring it to the veterinarian or animal emergency immediately.
Administer first aid if you see any bleeding in your cat. This can occur if it gets any cuts, sores or fractures. If the bleeding is light, cover the wound and go to the vet to have the cat examined. If the bleeding is heavy, you will need to stop the bleeding immediately and get him to the vet. Apply direct pressure using a clean cloth or even your hand to the injured area to stop the bleeding. Then take the cat to an animal hospital immediately.
Notice any problems with breathing and activity. If your cat is huffing and puffing trying to catch its breath after expending little energy, he may have a heart-condition called cardiomyopathy. The rear legs will be cold, bluish in color, painful and eventually it will not be able to use therear legs at all. Visit your veterinarian who will start your cat on blood thinners and treat his heart condition.
Determine if your cat has been in a fight. Scratches and bites from other cats cause abscesses. If you find an abscess on your cat apply a hot compress to the abscess. A hot washcloth or rag works best. Call your veterinarian immediately so your cat can get started on an antibiotic to prevent an abscess.