How to Prevent Pet Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract infections, or UTIs, are a common problem among domestic pets such as dogs and cats. Signs of a urinary tract infection include little or no urine, blood in the urine, and frequently licking or grooming of the genitals. When your cat has a UTI, he begins to associate the little box with the painful urination and may start urinating outside of the box instead.


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      Feed your cat a diet that promotes the formation of an acidic urine. Most commercially sold cat foods meet this criteria.

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      Give your cat smaller meals on a more frequent basis. Instead of giving your cat one or two large meals each day, break the portions in half and feed her three or four smaller meals to prevent urinary tract infections.

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      Put out a bowl of water for your cat and keep it filled at all times. Change the water several times a day to make sure it is clean and fresh.

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      Provide an adequate number of little boxes for the cats in your home. Typically this means that there should be one more litter box than the number of cats that you own. Keep all of the litter boxes clean.

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      Purchase an over-the-counter herbal remedy if your cat is prone to urinary tract infections. Follow package directions carefully when administering the product. Some of the better herbal remedies for pet UTIs include Solid Gold Berry Balance which is a blend of cranberry and blueberry extracts and marshmallow, and UTI-Free, which contains Uva ursi to help maintain normal pH levels in the urinary tract.