How to Use a Pill Popper to Give Your Cat Medication

There are several different ways you can try to give pills to your cat. The easiest way, if it works for your cat, is to hide the pill inside of a soft treat. They even sell hollow cat treats designed for this purpose. But if that method does not work for your cat you might want to consider using a pill popper.


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      Restrain the cat before giving the pill. You can try placing her on a table top and holding her down with one arm while you use your other hand to administer the medication. If that doesn't work, you can squat on the floor. Place the cat between your legs and use your feet to block her into place. Another method is to wrap her in a blanket or towel before giving her the pill. Wrapping the cat will also protect you from her claws if she fights you when you give the pill.

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      Coat the pill with butter before putting it into the pill popper. This will make the pill taste better to the cat and will also help it to slide down his throat.

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      Insert the pill in the end of the pill popper.

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      Hold the cat by the scruff of the neck and tilt her head back slightly.

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      Put the pill popper with the pill into the cat's mouth and push on the syringe at the end of the popper. This will pop the pill onto the back of the cat's tongue, which will encourage him to swallow.

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      Rub the front of the cat's neck in a downward motion if she still has not swallowed the pill.