How to Care for a Dying Cat in a Home with Multiple Cats

Taking care of an ill or dying cat is difficult. When you have three or more cats, the situation becomes even more complicated. In the animal world, the weak are killed or left behind. While you may not have to deal with a situation where this occurs, it's always best to be prepared. Read on to learn more.

Things You'll Need

  • A separate room
  • Water and food dishes
  • litter box
  • Toys


  1. Keep Them Separate

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      Separate the sick cat from the rest of the cats.

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      Put separate dishes and a litter box in the room.

    • 3

      Put toys in the room with the cat to help keep him entertained.

      Do what you can to make sure he is happy and safe.

    • 4

      If you are going to be home, bring the sick cat out of the room.
      Supervision is required, as one of the healthy cats may try to attack her.

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      Make sure equal attention is given to the healthy cats. This may not seem worth mentioning, but it's easy to dote over the cat that is sick and not realize that you haven't been playing with the healthy cats as often.

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      Do not leave the sick cat unsupervised with the healthy cats. He is weak, and if one of the cats were to attack him, he will need you to protect him.