How to Give a Cat Oral Medication

There is an easy way and a hard way to give your cat oral medication. Unfortunately, the way you end up giving the medication is largely up to your cat. Give the easy way a good try. If it doesn't work, then get the job done with the more forceful method. Don't be surprised if your cat doesn't believe you when you say, "This hurts me more than it does you."


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      Hide the pill in a small ball of yummy, wet cat food. Use as small amount of food as necessary. You want to hide the taste of the pill but not give such a large piece that kitty wants to chew a lot. Try this before your cat has dinner, and maybe he'll be too hungry to notice the medication.

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      Feed medication to your cat hidden inside one of his favorite cat treats. Some cats accept this tactic. If you are one of the lucky ones, the job is done. Keep an eye on the cat while he eats his treat. Some eat the treat and spit out the pill. If your cat swallowed his oral medication, count your blessings and call it finished.

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      Rescue the pill from the now-slimy ball if your cat spits out the medication. Let her finish the rest of the treat and then pick her up and find a nice place to sit.

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      Hold the cat's head from the top and tilt it back. Some cats drop their jaws when you do this, but others don't. If your cat doesn't, gently pry her jaw open while staying away from her sharp teeth. Press on the area of the mouth near the jaw joint on both sides of kitty to open up.

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      Place the pill as far back on the cat's tongue as you can. Close her jaw. Try not to drop the pill into her throat. She could choke if she moves her tongue at the wrong moment.

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      Hold the cat's jaw closed and blow on her nose to make her swallow. If that doesn't work, gently rub her throat. When you are positive she has swallowed the oral medication, let her go.

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      Check to make sure the cat actually swallowed the pill. Some cats are good fakers. Repeat the process if she didn't take the medication. Give her lots of love when the process is over.