How to Detect Skin Cancer in Cats

Early detection of skin cancer in cats, just as in people, is the key to successful treatment. Here's how to catch it before it's too late.

Things You'll Need

  • Scratching Posts
  • Cat Beds
  • Cat Carriers
  • Cat Combs/brushes
  • Cat Shampoos
  • Cat Toys
  • Veterinarian


    • 1

      Examine your cat's skin monthly, looking for tumors, blemishes, scaly areas or color changes.

    • 2

      Be concerned if you find new growths, or if any existing growths change colors or become larger.

    • 3

      Note any areas that bleed easily or do not heal normally - these may mean trouble.

    • 4

      Groom your cat daily with a fine-tooth comb to help you notice small changes early.

    • 5

      Massage your cat often, feeling for masses or other suspicious areas. Fingers often find things that you will not see because of the hair coat.

    • 6

      Look closely at your cat's eyelids and lips and inside his mouth for irregular areas or color changes. If your cat's nose or ears are white, check them closely for scaly, bumpy or reddened areas.

    • 7

      Report any suspicious findings to your veterinarian.