How to Prevent Hairballs in Cats

Hairballs can cause vomiting, loss of appetite and constipation in your cat. In rare cases, removal may require surgery. Spare your cat from these problems by following these guidelines.

Things You'll Need

  • Vaseline
  • Mineral Oils
  • Cat Combs/brushes
  • Cat Foods
  • Hairball Prevention Preparations
  • Teaspoons


    • 1

      Brush your cat daily, especially while she's shedding, to help prevent hairballs from forming in the stomach.

    • 2

      Use a bristle or rubber brush for shorthaired cats.

    • 3

      Brush longhaired felines with a wide-toothed comb or wire slicker brush.

    • 4

      Feed your cat a "hairball control" cat food high in vegetable fiber, or administer a commercial hairball prevention preparation available from your veterinarian or at pet stores.

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      Alternatively, mix 1 tsp. mineral oil or petroleum jelly per 10 lb. body weight into your cat's food, as a home remedy. (The average cat weighs 8 to 10 lbs.)

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      Understand that feeding other oils, such as vegetable oil, to your cat will be ineffective, because they will be digested and absorbed.

    • 7

      Make sure you use your cat's body weight in your calculations, not your own (a common error).