How to Calm a Pet's Fear of Visiting the Veterinarian

A fearful or aggressive pet is difficult for veterinary staff to examine. If your pet has an extreme aversion to visiting the veterinarian, help her get acquainted with that environment.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog Bones
  • Dog Collars
  • Dog Leashes
  • Dog Toys
  • Dog Treats
  • Muzzles
  • Cat Carriers
  • Cat Collars
  • Cat Leashes
  • Cat Toys
  • Cat Treats


    • 1

      Visit the veterinary hospital or office with your pet once a week until your pet is habituated.

    • 2

      Take treats and have the staff give them to your pet. Make it a fun experience, and then take your pet and leave.

    • 3

      Use a gradual approach if your pet is already fearful and won't accept treats. For example, play with her on the front lawn of your vet's office and make her feel comfortable. Over a period of a few weeks, gradually bring her to the front door and progress to standing in the front lobby and visiting with the staff.

    • 4

      Give treats for calm behavior.

    • 5

      Attempt to get your pet acquainted with a single staff member so she has a friend'pets, like people, get along with some individuals better than others.