Mountain lions are apex predators and their diet consists primarily of deer, elk, and bighorn sheep. They also prey on smaller animals, such as rabbits, rodents, and birds. Mountain lions typically hunt at night and use their keen sense of hearing and smell to track their prey.
Mountain lions need access to water on a regular basis. They typically drink from rivers, streams, lakes, or ponds. Mountain lions can also get water from the snow or from the carcasses of their prey.
Mountain lions use a variety of habitats, including forests, grasslands, and deserts. They typically den in caves, rock crevices, or under fallen trees. Mountain lions also use trees to rest and to escape from predators.
Mountain lions are territorial animals and require a large amount of space to survive. The size of their territory varies depending on the availability of food and water. Male mountain lions typically have larger territories than female mountain lions.
Social interaction
Mountain lions are solitary animals, except during mating season. Male and female mountain lions only come together to mate. Mountain lions also communicate with each other through scent marking, vocalizations, and body language.