How do cat get scabies?

Cats don't get scabies in the same way humans do. The mites that cause scabies in humans (Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis) are different from the mites that cause skin problems in cats.

Cats can get feline scabies or notoedric mange, which is caused by the mite *Notoedres cati*. This mite is highly contagious and can be spread through direct contact with an infected cat or through contact with contaminated objects.

Here's how cats can get feline scabies:

* Direct contact with an infected cat: This is the most common way cats get feline scabies. The mites can easily transfer from one cat to another through grooming or fighting.

* Contact with contaminated objects: The mites can also survive on objects such as bedding, toys, or grooming tools. If a healthy cat comes into contact with these objects, they can become infected.

* Flea infestations: While not directly related to scabies, fleas can weaken a cat's immune system making them more susceptible to skin infections like feline scabies.

Important note: It's crucial to distinguish between feline scabies and other skin conditions like ringworm or allergies, which can cause similar symptoms. It's best to consult a veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment.