Natural Homemade Cat Urine Removers

Cats add life and companionship to your home. Unfortunately, they also occasionally add urine and urine odor. Cat urine has a distinctive, unpleasant odor which, when improperly treated, lingers in your home for long periods of time. Cat urine odor neutralizers and cat urine cleaners are available for purchase. While these cleaners are effective, they are often expensive. Equally effective cat urine cleaners are easily made from ingredients you probably already have around your home. These homemade cleaners are also chemical-free, keeping you, your family and your cat safer in the long run.

Things You'll Need

  • Distilled white vinegar
  • Clean cloth or sponge
  • Old towel
  • Baking soda
  • Scrub brush
  • Steam cleaner
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Vacuum cleaner
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      Combine two parts water to one part distilled white vinegar. Pour a small amount of the liquid over the urine stain, working it into the stain with a clean cloth or sponge. Blot up the liquid with an old towel and repeat the process until all of the liquid is used up. This dilutes and removes urine while neutralizing odor.

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      Sprinkle a small portion of baking soda over the stain, then pour an equal amount of distilled white vinegar into the stain. Work the mixture in with a brush. Blot the stain with an old towel, then repeat the process until all baking soda and vinegar are used up. This removes the stain, kills bacteria from the urine, and neutralizes odor from the urine.

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      Steam clean the urine stain. Dilute the stain with clean water, blotting it up as much as possible with an old towel. Use the steam cleaner to further dilute the stain and extract it from your carpet. This method uses no chemicals making it a safe alternative for those looking for natural cleaning methods.

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      Mix one part hot water and one part hydrogen peroxide to two parts baking soda. Stir to form a paste. Apply this mixture to the urine stain, working it in with a brush. Allow the stain to dry, then vacuum up the residue. Be careful with this recipe, however, as it may bleach dark carpets.