Visit a local pet or general store to examine brands available. Speak to a sales associate and ask if he has any recommendations for cat litter that controls odor. In general, the more baking soda a brand contains, the better it will control odors.
Purchase two or three types of cat litters geared toward odor control.
Clean the litter box out completely. Place the first type of cat litter in the box. Let your cat use it for about a week, cleaning it as you normally would. Take special note of how strong the urine smell is on each day. Rank it on a scale of 1 to 10, with one being no odor at all and 10 being horrifyingly stinky. Record each ranking on a piece of paper and store it near the litter box.
Clean out the litter box completely at the end of one week. Fill the box with the second type of litter and repeat the process of daily cleaning, odor monitoring and record-keeping for another week.
Use the final litter type on the third week after you have dumped out the previous litter brand. Once again, clean as you normally would and rate the strength of the odor each day.
Review your notes. Look over the records you kept for each of the brands after you have tested them for one week apiece. Average each of their ratings. The brand with the lowest rating is the best at controlling odor.
Decide whether you want to use the remainder of the less-effective brands. If not, throw them out and start using the preferred brand. If you wish to use all of the litter you purchased, consider mixing the litters so that some of the preferred product is always present.
How to Test the Odor Control of Cat Litter
Cats are very lovable pets, but litter box odor can be quite unpleasant or embarrassing. There are a number of ways to reduce the smell that comes from the litter box. For example, using a covered litter box, placing it in a well-ventilated area, cleaning at least every other day and using high quality litter are all important elements for odor control. When it comes to choosing the litter brand, many cat owners are uncertain of which is the best for reducing unpleasant odors. In general, cat litters that clump and specifically claim to control odor are the best options.