Household Cleaning Products That Get Rid of Cat Pee

The scent of cat urine, especially that of un-neutered males, emits a distinct and pungent odor. Unfortunately, when cats spray, regular household cleaners prove ineffective in removing the scent. However, specialized cleaners contain substances that, in tandem, break down and absorb the odor-causing substances found in cat urine.
  1. Smellgone

    • Smellgone cleaners use a process called "microbial balancing" which is based on the reasoning that good bacteria consumes problematic odor-causing bacteria. Smellgone also utilizes fungi and yeasts to essentially dominate, disintegrate and absorb odor-causing substances in cat urine.

    Simple Solution® Cat Extreme Stain &Odor Remover

    • This cleaning product uses enzymes in conjunction with a substance called Pro-Bacteria™, a combination of good bacteria which destroys and absorbs stench causing bacteria. The enzymes break down the odor-causing compounds and the beneficial bacteria digests the residual substances, eliminating the odor.


    • This cleaner also contains bacteria, which neutralize the odorous gasses caused by sulfur, ammonia and methane in cat urine. These friendly bacteria eliminate the odor-causing organic matter, regardless of how long the urine has been on a surface.


    • This product advertises that it utilizes a biological "state-of-the-art bacterial-enzyme" process to remove odors and stains. The odorless bacteria is of the genus Bacillus and in conjunction with enzymes deteriorates and destroys the residual odorous organic matter associated with cat urine.