Things You'll Need
- Cat scratching posts
- Cat canopies
- Loose carpet
- Cardboard boxes
- Yarn
- Catnip
Observe your cat. Does your cat like to play in a cardboard box, or would it rather sleep in it? Does your cat like to scratch on tall scratching posts, or does it prefer flat pieces of carpet? Establish your cat's likes and dislikes, so you know what features your cat club house should have.
Purchase a variety of short and tall scratching posts. Buy a short stool and cover it with loose carpet. Collect cardboard boxes and long pieces of yarn.
Place the scratching posts on the outside of the club house, forming a perimeter.
Place loose carpet at the base of the club house, to create a bottom floor.
Pile cardboard boxes on their sides so the cat can climb from box to box. Place a small cardboard box face up at the base of the club house for nap space.
Attach a loose piece of carpet from one post to another, forming a hammock for sleeping or resting.
Attach loose yarn from a high point so the cat can jump up and swat at it.
Introduce your cat to his new club house. Give your cat a couple of days to get used to it. Use a bit of catnip to draw your cat to play in the new club house. Observe what parts your cat enjoys (scratching the posts, sleeping on the hammock) and note what parts the cat seems bored with. Adjust the cat club house accordingly, removing parts that have bored your cat and adding more of what he enjoys.