Solutions for Urine-Soaked Wood Floors & Walls

One of the perils of owning a cat is accidents outside the litter box. Cat urine can smell quite strong and once it has soaked into wood floors and walls, it can be difficult to get rid of the odors. However, there are solutions available that you can make at home with simple ingredients that will get rid of most of the urine scent.
  1. Wood

    • One advantage of cat urine on wood floors or walls is that it cannot soak into them as easily as carpet or cloth furniture. You may think wiping up the urine is good enough, but it has enzymes that can soak into wood and damage it. If your cat has urinated on the floor or sprayed against the wall, wipe up as much of the urine as you can immediately. Then, combine 1/2 cup water and 1/2 cup vinegar to create a cleaning solution. Using a mop or sponge, apply a small amount of this solution to the floor or the wall. Though the vinegar may smell strongly for a little time, this solution will effectively get rid of the urine and its odors.


    • Though the use of peroxide may work to rid the house of cat urine smells, you need to be careful because peroxide can take colors off walls and floors. If you are not worried about discoloration, peroxide can break down the parts of the urine that cause stains and permanent odors. Pour a little peroxide on the affected area and allow it to dry. Once it does, rinse the area with warm water and then wipe up with a paper towel. You can also add a little Listerine mouthwash to the peroxide to help it break down odors.


    • Another solution to prevent cat urine is to figure out why your cat is urinating outside of the litter box. In some cases, the litter box can simply be too dirty for the cat to use. Try to scoop the box twice daily and see if that remedies the problem. Un-neutered male cats may be spraying to mark their territory or it could be the result of anxiety or stress. Sometimes, urine outside the litter box is the sign of a health problem, so it is important to talk to your veterinarian if the problem occurs often.