Accessories for Traveling With a Cat

If you're planning on taking Kitty on your next trip, you probably already have all the basics ready. For example, if you're traveling internationally, you might need certain paperwork in order to get through customs. Just as important as the paperwork are the accessories, however. If you pack the right things, not only will your trip be more convenient, but Kitty's will also be a lot less stressful.
  1. Keeping Kitty Safe

    • Rule number one of traveling with your cat: he must always be under your control. Cats can easily get scared and run off into traffic or get lost. Your most important cat travel accessory should be then a carrier, so you can keep Kitty confined when you're in public spaces or if traveling by public transportation. You can let Kitty loose into your car or your hotel room, but only after you've made sure all the windows and doors are safely closed. Even then, it makes sense to have Kitty fitted with a cat harness and a leash, just in case you need to get control of him quickly.

    Comfort Accessories

    • Traveling can be stressful for cats, who usually don't like big open spaces and strange noises. Bringing some known and loved items along can help ease those feelings. One good accessory to bring: your cat's favorite toy, blanket or sleeping bed, especially if you plan on being away for a long time. Having something with the smell of home will help ease the stress of being in a strange place. A nice catnip treat and something for Kitty to chase once you get to the hotel room are also good accessories to keep in mind.

    Traveling Toilet

    • One thing many people forget when traveling with their cats is a litter box. Sure, you probably don't want to bring a massive litter box along. One option is to buy a small plastic container that's big enough for Kitty to step in and high enough to hold some litter. Then get the smallest bag of cat litter you can find -- some pet stores sell or sample bags.These bags are usually tiny but should be enough to add some litter to the container. If you're flying, find out if the airline has rules about bringing cat litter along. You might be allowed to bring a sealed bag but not to store it inside a container, so check with the airline in advance. If you're taking the train or the bus, the rules might be more lax, but it's worth it to ask just in case.

    Bowls and Containers

    • It's easy to serve food anywhere: on a napkin, a piece of paper or even on your hand if necessary. However, if you want to keep food tidy inside the carrier, you're going to need a bowl. You also need an additional bowl to hold water so you can keep Kitty hydrated along the way. Even better, buy a few containers with lid, rather than using just a bowl. That way you can transport the food inside the container, then open it for feeding when needed.