How to Build an Outside Cat Walk for an Indoor Cat

"Catios" are the new catwalk and are all the rage in New York, according to New York Times columnist Jennifer Kingson. Catios are an outdoor space cats can enjoy safely. There are many dangers to cats allowed to roam freely outside, both in the city and in the country. Pens, runs and secure playgrounds provide safe alternatives to free roaming with all the benefits of fresh air and interesting things to watch. A catio may be as simple as chicken wire and frame box to an elaborate pen complete with cat house, trees and cat beds.

Things You'll Need

  • 1 by 2-inch studs
  • 4-by-8 foot 1/2 inch plywood
  • Wood screws
  • Electric drill
  • Fine mesh wire
  • Wire cutters
  • Staple gun
  • Staples
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      Select a window or door with access to the outside area where you want to put in a catwalk. Install a cat door there as the access point for your cat. Fence in an existing structure such as a deck or under a deck either with chicken wire or lattice as an independent catio or as one to which you will add a long catwalk.

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      Leave an opening in the existing structure for the cat walk. Alternatively, start the catwalk with the cat door in a ground floor window or door. The size and shape of the cat walk depends on the size of your property. The basic structure is to screw four 1 by 2-inch studs in a long rectangular tunnel shape for one run. Alternatively, cut your pieces shorter for several smaller rectangles and screw them at a right angle to the previous section, adding turns to the walk.

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      Cut your plywood to fit the base of the one long section of the cat walk or to fit the several, smaller turn sections. Screw the plywood onto the base.

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      Wrap a fine mesh screen over the three unenclosed sides of the run. Staple the screen so that it lays flat against each side and the top of the structure. Cut off any excess wire. Close off the end of the run with another piece of wire.