How to Give Cats Water Without It Evaporating

One of the responsibilities of cat ownership is providing your feline friend with basic items such as food, water and shelter. Cats can be picky with their preferences: sometimes refusing types of food, toys or water sources. Providing your cat with a source of fresh water can be tough because of this feline tendency to drink sporadically and only from certain sources. This results in more water evaporating than being consumed and you refilling the bowl more often than you'd like. By finding the right type of water bowl and place to put it, you can prevent this problem and encourage your cat to drink.

Things You'll Need

  • Pet water fountain
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      Use a water bowl with a pump and filter built into it. There are many styles to choose from, and you should base your selection on your cat's habits. For example, if your cat likes to drink from a running faucet, you should select a bowl that circulates the water with a cascading waterfall-style fountain. This will encourage your cat to drink the water before it evaporates.

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      Place the cat's water bowl away from direct sunlight, which speeds up evaporation. Choose a shady area or a room with few windows.

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      Place the water bowl in an area with a cooler temperature. Warmer temperatures increase the rate of evaporation.

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      Place the water bowl away from circulating air such as fans, air ducts or open windows. Moving air promotes evaporation from the water bowl; placing it in a calm location will reduce the amount of the cat's water lost to evaporation.