Disposable Diapers for Cats

Choosing when to use a disposable diaper on your cat or kitten can mean the difference between ruined furniture and clean furnishings. Certain situations require pet owners to be vigilant and take precautions to protect their homes from accidents. Male and female cats who have not been spayed or neutered, older cats, cats who have recently been to the vet and young kittens might need the occasional disposable diaper.
  1. Litter Training

    • Kittens are not born knowing how to use the litter boxes. Even though cats are likely to use the litter box because of their instinctive cleanliness, kittens will miss the box occasionally. If a kitten is prone to accidents, consider using a disposable diaper while exploring litter training options. Kitten owners may need to alter standard pet diapers to fit kittens' small frames.


    • Pet owners who do not spay or neuter their cats may have to deal with their pets spraying and marking their territory. Both female and male cats will mark territory with urine and feces, although females will spray urine to signal they are in heat while males will do it to assert dominance over a specific area. You may be able to stop these behaviors by having your pet fixed, but you should keep disposable diapers on hand if it appears to be a problem.


    • Cats who consistently use the litter box can still have accidents after visiting the vet, especially after surgery. As cats regain consciousness after anesthesia, there is a good chance they will miss the litter box. Keep disposable diapers on hand for after you bring your cat home from having surgery.


    • As cats age, they are more likely to suffer from incontinence. A cat can have problems with her urethra, kidneys, bladder or intestines that make it difficult for her to control her urinating and bowel functions. The most important thing to do is get your pet the medical treatment she needs immediately. However, while you and your cat's health care provider work through the problem, use disposable diapers to protect your household from accidents.