Stripes on the body:
* Quoll: There are several species of quolls in Australia and New Guinea, some of which have distinct stripes. For example, the eastern quoll (Dasyurus viverrinus) has a distinctive white stripe running down its back.
* Tiger Quoll: This animal, also known as the spotted-tailed quoll, has distinct yellow stripes on its body and tail.
* Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby: This species has dark stripes on its back and flanks, and is found in Australia.
Stripes on the tail:
* Tiger Quoll: As mentioned above, this species has a "spotted" tail, which actually consists of numerous stripes.
* Ringtail Possum: This species, found in Australia, has a long, prehensile tail with alternating light and dark rings, which could be considered stripes.
Important Note: "Striped" can be subjective, and some marsupials might have subtle stripes or markings that wouldn't be considered "stripes" by everyone.
If you can provide more information about the animal you are thinking of (location, size, etc.), it would be easier to pinpoint the specific species.