Pop Up Tents for Cats

Pop up cat tents are small tents that cats can play in, sleep in or hide in. Many owners choose to use them because of the materials that are used to make them, because of the way that they are put together and because of the different ways that the cats can enjoy them.
  1. Description

    • Pop up tents for cats are small tents, usually big enough for one or perhaps two cats. They are typically purchased flat and, because of the material it is made out of, it simply pops open into a tent. The tent usually has an opening on one end, which the cat can crawl in and out of, and sometimes has circles or openings that act as windows. Many of the pop up tents for cats have a toy suspended from the top of the tent, so there is something for the cat to play with while he is in the tent.


    • Pop up tents for cats can be made of many different materials. The most common material is nylon. Nylon is pliable and washable, which is good because cats tend to shed, have dander on their fur and drag dirt into the tent with their paws. Nylon also is breathable, so a cat can enjoy being in the cat tent without getting too hot or too cold. Also, nylon is almost indestructible, so even cats with claws can enjoy pop up tents.


    • Pop up tents are used for many purposes. Many owners like to get them when their kittens are very small, and will enjoy spending time in an enclosed space. Some owners like to buy them because they think they are cute additions to their home. Depending on the cat, they are either used or not used. Some cats enjoy sitting inside the pop up tents, especially if cat nip has been sprinkled into it. Many cats enjoy the solitude of having a place of their own. However, cats can be subjective, and some cats refuse to use something that their owners have designated as their own, preferring instead to hid beneath the bed, or under the bookcase. Also, if you have more than one cat, the cat that enjoys the pop up tent the most might mark it with his scent to prevent other cats from enjoying it as much as he does.


    • Not all cats will like pop up cat tents. Therefore, it is important to try one out before you invest a lot of money in it. If your cat has never been inside of anything like a pop up cat tent, he might be afraid of it and he might never use it.


    • Pop up cat tents might collapse while a cat is in them, depending on how the cat is using them and how wild he might get. Therefore, you should always supervise your cat when he is using them.