How to Make a Catnip Mouse

While catnip is one of the most inexpensive herbs around and can even be grown in your home or garden, catnip mice at your local pet store tend to be a pit on the pricey side. Whether you are looking to save a bit on kitty toys or are simply looking for a fun project, try making your own catnip mouse.

Things You'll Need

  • Baby socks
  • Fresh catnip
  • Scissors
  • Red or pink felt
  • Old plastic milk jug
  • Straight pins
  • Needle and thread
  • Darning needle
  • Black yarn
  • Embroidery thread (optional)
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      Purchase baby socks to make your catnip mouse, selecting any color you like. Additionally, it is best to buy the freshest and highest quality catnip you can find to ensure the longest possible life of your catnip mouse. Better yet, grow and dry your own catnip.

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      Cut out two mouse ears from a piece of red or pink felt, making the ears as large or small as you wish. While you have your scissors out, cut a teardrop shape from an old plastic milk jug which will help your mouse hold it's shape.

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      Slip the piece of cut plastic into the baby sock, holding it firmly into the foot of the sock. Fill the sock with as much catnip as necessary to create the mouse shape and then trim off excess sock. Turn the edges of the sock inside and hold with straight pins as you sew the opening closed with a needle and thread.

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      Use a darning needle and black yarn to slip a short piece of yarn through the sewn edge of the mouse and tie to crease a tail. Pinch the front end of the mouse, folding over extra fabric if necessary to create a pointed mouse nose and sew on your felt ears. If desired, you can use black embroidery thread to make whiskers as well.