How do you move the kittens into a box if your cat has had her outside of box?

If a cat has had her kittens outside the box, it's important to gently move the kittens into a suitable birthing box or a safe enclosed area. Here are some steps to follow:

1. Prepare the Birthing Box:

- Ensure the birthing box is ready with fresh, clean bedding, such as soft towels or blankets. Provide soft sides to prevent kittens from climbing out.

2. Wash Your Hands:

- Thoroughly wash your hands before handling the kittens to avoid transferring any unwanted germs.

3. Approach Slowly:

- Carefully approach the mama cat and kittens. She may be protective, so stay calm and reassuring.

4. Use a Soft Touch:

- Gently pick up each kitten using your hands or a soft cloth. Handle the kittens with care, supporting their head and body.

5. Warm Transport:

- If it is cold, ensure the kittens are kept warm during transport. You can wrap them in a soft towel or blanket and hold them close to your body.

6. Gently Place:

- Place the kittens one by one into the birthing box. Arrange them comfortably and close to one another so they can stay warm and feel safe.

7. Avoid Disturbances:

- Reassure the mother cat and gently place her into the birthing box with her kittens. Then, leave them undisturbed for a while to allow the mother to bond and care for her kittens.

8. Clean the Area:

- Once everything is settled, clean the area where the kittens were born, including the previous birthing site, to ensure hygiene.

9. Monitor from Outside:

- Observe from a distance to make sure the kittens are nursing and resting comfortably. Avoid direct interference unless absolutely necessary.

Remember that a cat giving birth should not be stressed or interrupted unnecessarily, so try to make the environment peaceful for her. If you have concerns about the health of the mother or kittens, it's best to consult a veterinarian promptly.