How Can I Build a Room That My Cats Will Love in My New Home?

Cats are natural climbers and hunters. They love a romp up a tree to chase a squirrel or a bird. As house cats are descendants of panthers, bobcats and other big cats, they share the same desire to chase down their food. A cat room in a home takes the cat's nature into account and accommodates for these natural kitty desires. Create a room that allows your cat to reach the ceiling as well as hunt for treats and pieces of food.

Things You'll Need

  • Sturdy shelving
  • Wall anchors
  • Screwdriver
  • Screws
  • Bolts
  • Empty tissue box
  • Tape
  • Cat treats
  • Catnip
  • Wadded paper
  • Sock
  • Wastepaper basket
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      Add shelves to the walls. Cats love to climb; it's in their nature to chase birds into trees. Attach shelves large enough for the cat to jump on safely. Stagger the shelving to make a cat ladder in which cats can perch high above humans. Use bolts with wall anchors and reinforced metal to hold the shelving unit to the wall. If the shelving is facing a window, the cat will like it even better.

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      Line the bottom of the walls with rough carpet or other cat clawing materials. Cats need to sharpen their claws, or knead, and will do so on any available surface. Provide a place for the cat to do this so it will not destroy the furniture. Sprinkle the area with catnip to encourage its use. Place some fabric on areas of the floor as well for the cat that prefers to knead on the floor.

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      Make toys for the cat room. Cats are natural hunters and enjoy hide-and-seek games. Place a cat treat in an empty tissue box and seal the hole in the top. Cut paw-size holes in the box and watch the cat hunt for the treats. Wad up pieces of paper into a ball and allow the cat to chase the ball around the room. Drop a sealed sock full of catnip into a small wastepaper basket and allow the cat to "hunt" for the treat.