Why Do Cats Chase Laser Pointers?

Anyone who has ever had a cat and a laser pointer knows the simple joy of watching her chase the resulting spot of light. But what is it about this dancing point of light that so fascinates and engages cats? According to the Humane Society of the United States, their reaction stems from their predatory nature and need for stimulation.
  1. Predators by Nature

    • Cats are natural predators, equipped with agility, strength and speed. Obviously, indoor cats possess the same predatory instincts as their outdoor counterparts, so colorful moving objects automatically bring out the predator in them.

    Active Imaginations

    • Cats have something in common with small children: extremely active imaginations. This is why they can turn almost anything into a toy. Whether the object is a crumpled-up piece of paper, a pen or a newspaper, they can find ways to amuse themselves with it.

    The Stimulation of Play

    • Pet cats, particularly those living exclusively indoors, no longer have to hunt for food. Therefore, they need a different outlet for their predatory instincts. This makes play necessary for their health and well-being. It provides much-needed stimulation, both mental and physical. It also serves as exercise and an outlet for their energy.

    Laser Pointers: A Great Cat Toy

    • The toys cats typically enjoy most are small objects they can bat around and chase, such as corks or pingpong balls. The light from laser pointers is small and round, and you can move it about quickly. Because the light engages cats' predatory instincts and reactions, laser pointers make an ideal toy for them.

    Amusing Your Cat With a Laser Pointer

    • A laser pointer can give your cat a good, enjoyable workout with minimal effort from you. Just be sure to follow a couple of guidelines. First, be careful not to shine the laser in your cat's eyes, as it could damage them. Second, give her a tangible toy to play with when the game is over.