How do you tell if your male cat has been neutered?

You can't tell if a male cat has been neutered just by looking at him. Here's why:

* Scrotum appearance: While intact males will have testicles in their scrotum, the scrotum can shrink after neutering, making it difficult to visually determine if they're present.

* Behavior changes: Some behavioral changes associated with neutering, like decreased spraying or aggression, can also be influenced by other factors and aren't always reliable indicators.

The only way to know for sure if a male cat has been neutered is to:

* Check the cat's medical records. This is the most reliable way to confirm the procedure.

* Ask the cat's owner. If you are unsure, the owner will know for sure.

Important note: Never attempt to examine a cat's genitals yourself. This can be stressful for the cat and potentially dangerous.