Instincts Ragdolls DO possess:
* Playfulness: They are known for their playful nature, enjoying toys and engaging in playful interactions.
* Grooming: They maintain their coat cleanliness through regular grooming.
* Curiosity: Ragdolls are curious and love exploring their surroundings.
* Socialization: They are highly social and enjoy the company of their humans and often other pets.
* Purring: They are renowned for their loud and constant purring.
* Sleeping: Ragdolls are known for their love of sleeping.
Instincts Ragdolls MAY be less pronounced:
* Independence: Ragdolls are known for their affectionate and clingy nature, meaning they can be less independent than some other breeds.
* Scratching: While they have the instinct, many Ragdolls are gentler than other breeds and may not scratch furniture as often.
* Territoriality: Ragdolls are generally very friendly and accepting of others, making them less territorial than some breeds.
Key Points:
* Temperament: Ragdolls are bred for their gentle and docile temperament. This makes them appear less "cat-like" in the traditional sense, particularly when it comes to independence and assertiveness.
* Individual Variation: Just like any breed, there are variations within Ragdolls. Some may be more independent or assertive than others.
In conclusion: Ragdolls retain most cat-like instincts, but their temperament can make them appear less "cat-like" in certain aspects. However, they are still wonderful companions and have their own unique charm.