Here's why:
* Feral cats are incredibly cautious. They are constantly on high alert for danger and will avoid areas they perceive as unsafe.
* The level of disturbance is crucial. A brief glance or a gentle touch might not be enough to scare her off, but a loud noise, physical interaction, or the presence of dogs could be enough to make her abandon the nest.
* The mother cat's temperament plays a role. Some cats are more easily spooked than others.
* The kittens' age is a factor. Younger kittens are more vulnerable and the mother cat might be more likely to risk returning for them.
Here's what you can do if you find a disturbed nest:
* Leave the area immediately. Don't try to approach the kittens or the mother.
* Observe from a distance. If you see the mother cat return, simply leave the area.
* Contact a local animal rescue or shelter. They can assess the situation and determine the best course of action.
Remember, it's important to remember that feral cats are wild animals and should be treated with respect. Your safety and the well-being of the cats are both priorities.