2 year old cat hisses at new kitten but also cleans the why such weird behaviour?

It's not weird at all! Your older cat's behavior is actually quite common. Here's a breakdown of what's going on and why:

* Hissing: This is a classic sign of fear, anxiety, or territoriality. Your older cat is feeling threatened by the new kitten. He might be worried about losing his resources (food, water, toys, attention, etc.) or feeling overwhelmed by the change in the household dynamic.

* Cleaning: This is a stress reliever for cats. It can be a way to calm themselves down, cope with anxiety, or simply re-assert their sense of control. The grooming could be a subconscious response to the stress of the new kitten.

Here's why this behavior is not weird:

* Cats are complex: They have a wide range of emotions and behaviors. What might seem contradictory to us, is perfectly natural for them.

* Cats communicate in different ways: Hissing and grooming are two very different ways for cats to communicate their feelings. The hissing is a warning, the cleaning is a self-soothing mechanism.

What you can do:

* Patience and positive reinforcement: Introduce the kitten gradually and allow your older cat to adjust at his own pace. Offer your older cat plenty of positive attention and reassurance.

* Separate spaces: Give both cats their own safe spaces where they can retreat and feel secure. This will help reduce stress and anxiety.

* Treats and toys: Use treats and toys to help the cats associate each other with positive experiences.

* Consult a veterinarian: If the behavior is persistent or becomes aggressive, your vet can offer further advice and potentially recommend behavior modification strategies.

Remember, the goal is to create a peaceful and harmonious environment for all your feline friends. With patience, consistency, and a little bit of understanding, you can help your older cat and kitten adjust to their new family dynamic.