Would a fisher cat kill dog or cat?

Fisher cats, also known as fisher, are small, predatory mammals. While they are known to be fierce and agile hunters, they generally don't pose a significant threat to dogs or cats. Here's why:

* Size and Strength: Fisher cats are significantly smaller than both dogs and cats. While they can take down prey larger than themselves, like porcupines, their size and strength are limited.

* Diet: Fisher cats primarily feed on small mammals like rodents, squirrels, and rabbits. They are opportunistic hunters and may occasionally prey on young or vulnerable animals, but they are not known to actively target healthy adult dogs or cats.

* Territorial Behavior: Fisher cats are generally solitary animals and have established territories. They are more likely to avoid confrontation with larger animals, including dogs and cats.

However, there are a few factors to consider:

* Presence of Young: If a fisher cat has young, they may be more aggressive and defend their territory.

* Lack of Other Prey: If a fisher cat is unable to find its usual prey, it may be more likely to target other animals, including small pets.

* Individual Behavior: Every animal is different, and some fisher cats may be more bold or aggressive than others.

Overall, the likelihood of a fisher cat killing a dog or cat is very low. However, it's important to be aware of their presence and take precautions, especially if you live in an area where they are common.

Here are some tips for protecting your pets:

* Keep your pets on a leash when walking in areas where fisher cats may be present.

* Keep cats indoors at night.

* Secure any food or garbage that might attract fisher cats.

* Be aware of your surroundings and look for signs of fisher cat activity, such as tracks or scat.

If you see a fisher cat in your yard, it's best to observe it from a distance and avoid direct contact. They are generally shy animals and will likely retreat if left alone.