Why would a cat nurse on dog?

Cats nursing on dogs is a very unusual behavior. It's unlikely that a cat would nurse on a dog for the typical reasons that a kitten nurses on its mother, like getting nourishment or comfort.

Here are some possible reasons why a cat might nurse on a dog:

* Early weaning: If a kitten was weaned too early, they might retain the instinct to nurse and seek out a warm, soft object to satisfy that need. A dog might fit this description.

* Stress or anxiety: Cats can exhibit strange behaviors when they are stressed or anxious. Nursing on a dog could be a self-soothing mechanism.

* Companionship: Cats are social animals and may seek comfort from their companions. A cat might nurse on a dog as a way of bonding or showing affection.

* Misidentification: A cat might mistake a dog's fur for their mother's fur. This is more likely in young kittens who are still learning.

It's important to note that this behavior is not normal and could indicate underlying issues:

* If the cat is a young kitten: They might need to be returned to their mother or given a bottle to ensure they are getting proper nutrition.

* If the cat is older: They may be exhibiting signs of stress or anxiety. Consult a veterinarian to rule out any medical conditions or behavioral problems.

Important: Always supervise your cat and dog interactions. A dog may react negatively to a cat nursing on them, potentially leading to injury.