Do cats get fleas or ticks from grass?

Cats can get fleas and ticks from grass, but not directly from the grass itself. Here's how it works:

* Fleas and ticks don't live on grass: They prefer to live on warm-blooded animals like cats and dogs.

* Fleas and ticks lay eggs: These eggs can fall off the animal and onto the ground, including grass.

* Eggs hatch: When the eggs hatch, the larvae feed on organic debris in the grass and soil.

* Larvae become adults: Once the larvae mature, they become adults and seek out a host to feed on.

So, while the fleas and ticks themselves don't live on grass, their eggs can be present in the grass. When your cat walks through the grass, they can pick up these eggs or larvae, which then develop into adult fleas or ticks on your cat.

Here are some ways to reduce the risk of your cat getting fleas and ticks from grass:

* Keep your lawn mowed: Short grass makes it harder for fleas and ticks to hide and lay eggs.

* Treat your cat regularly: Use flea and tick medication, like topical treatments or oral medications, as directed by your veterinarian.

* Use a flea and tick preventative for your yard: Talk to your veterinarian about products that can help control fleas and ticks in your yard.

* Check your cat for fleas and ticks regularly: Look for signs of fleas and ticks on your cat, like itching, scratching, or tiny black dots (flea droppings).

* Wash your cat's bedding regularly: Wash your cat's bedding in hot water to kill any fleas or ticks that may be present.

By taking these precautions, you can help keep your cat safe from fleas and ticks, regardless of where they spend their time.